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Cause Collective Lincoln

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Corporate Sponsors

We are proud to work with many businesses in Lincoln that help support Cause Collective.  By becoming a corporate sponsor of Cause Collective you are supporting over 170 nonprofits in Lincoln with one donation.  We appreciate them all!  

Platinum Level Corporate Sponsors



Gold Level Corporate Sponsors




We care about the communities we serve and hope
to work together to make them a better place.


Silver Level Corporate Sponsors







Bronze Level Corporate Sponsors




Members of Cause Collective are eligible for special pricing on Nonprofit Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance offered by Berkley Select through Unico Insurance. Premiums start as low as $400 and vary depending on the size and type of the organization. For a free quote COMPLETE THIS FORM and send to Megan at Unico – mhatch@unicogroup.com / (402) 434-7295.


Member Discounts available
Contact TONY for more information






Nonprofit Consultant Corporate Sponsors


Marketing, communications, and PR



Providing a variety of customized services including coaching, board capacity building, strategic planning, leadership development, culture development, facilitation and virtual facilitation.



Grant writing and fundraising services




Ingrid Kirst Consutling - Nonprofit Leadership Transition Consultant specializing in executive director searches, interim leadership, and succession planning.


Liz Lange Consulting - Providing strategic advice for nonprofits and philanthropy


WaltherSeck & Associates - Strategic Planning and other services


DKO Perspectives - Challenging individuals and organizations to discover their true identity to become better.



The better we all know each other, the better we work together.Cause Collective facilitate partnerships, collaborates with its members and is a central information sharing center for nonprofits in Lincoln.


By providing nonprofits individual and group trainings throughout the year they become better and more efficient at running their business, and in turn their services to the community improve.


One of the most important things a nonprofit can do to help those they serve is advocate for them. We help nonprofits understand how to advocate and lobby to improve public policy, making a more supportive and stronger community.