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Cause Collective Lincoln

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Member Directory

Abendmusik logo


Abendmusik strives to enrich Lincoln by sharing inspiring experiences with the world’s finest music in the beautiful sanctuary of First-Plymouth Church.


Acklie Foundation

Giving primarily for health, youth programs, Protestant churches, and federated giving programs.

ACLU logo

ACLU of Nebraska

Working in courts, legislatures, and communities to protect the constitutional and individual rights of all people.

Aging Partners logo

Aging Partners

Enhancing daily living, expanding personal choices and educating the community to ensure the independence and full life of the people we serve.

Apace logo


We empower people with disabilities to live each day to the fullest.

The Arc of Lincoln logo

Arc of Lincoln

Advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and serving them and their families.

Arrive logo

Arrive Business Fund

We serve Lincoln’s female and minority entrepreneurs in a collaborative, safe, and focused space. While we are very focused on our mission, we welcome and include anyone who values our community and support.

ACCC logo

Asian Community and Cultural Center

Supporting and empowering all refugees and immigrants through programs and services and advance the sharing of Asian culture and the other cultural heritages of our clients with the community at large.

Atlas logo

Atlas: Lincoln

Serving the people of Lincoln through local, intentional, and relational Christ-based peer-support.

Autism Center of Nebraska logo

Autism Center of Nebraska, Inc.

Embracing the worth of persons receiving services, their families, and the staff who support them.

Belmont Community Center logo

Belmont Community Center

Identifying and defining the social, cultural, recreational and educational needs of the residents of the Northwest Lincoln community.


BBBS logo

Big Brothers Big Sisters Lincoln

Bringing awareness to the importance of mentoring and change the lives of youths we serve in Lincoln, NE.




Big Gumdrop Outdoors

Educate Urban Youth about Nature and Inspire them to Explore the Great Outdoors.


Blixt logo

BLIXT Locally Grown

Building on a tradition of collaborating to create high-quality theater that helps connect people, creates meaningful conversations, and unleashes community action.

Bluestem logo

Bluestem Health

Building a more vibrant, healthy community for everyone.


Boys and Girls Club of Lincoln and Lancaster County

Empowering all youth to reach their full potential.

Branched Oak Observatory logo

Branched Oak Observatory

Sharing the wonders of the night sky with Eastern Nebraska

Bridgets to Hope logo

Bridges to Hope

Enhancing daily living, expanding personal choices and educating the community to ensure the independence and full life of the people we serve.

Birght Light logo

Bright Lights, Inc.

Providing unique, motivating, hands-on summer learning camps for K-8th grade students.

Career Ladder logo

Career Ladder

Advocating for professional opportunities and advancement of skilled refugees and immigrants while fostering economic opportunity and dignity through professional development.

CASA for Lancaster County logo

CASA for Lancaster County

Providing a voice for abused and neglected children in the court system so they can thrive in safe, permanent homes.


CEDARS Youth Services

Our mission is to help children and youth achieve safety, stability, and enduring family relationships. 

CSS logo

Catholic Social Services

Performing the Works of Mercy in response to the call of God.

CLIA logo

Center for Immigrant and Refugee Advancement

To empower immigrants and refugees to live confidently through high-quality legal representation, resettlement, and social work and to create welcoming communities through education and advocacy.

CLIA logo

Center for Legal Immigration Assistance

Helping immigrants and refugees achieve their American dream by providing high-quality and affordable legal services.

Center for People logo

Center for People

Providing the basic needs and educational opportunities needed for low-income individuals in our community to become financially independent.

CenterPointe logo

CenterPointe, Inc.

Helping the people we serve get better, sooner, for longer

Civic Nebraska logo

Civic Nebraska

Creating a modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans.

Cinic With a Heart logo

Clinic with a Heart

A faith-inspired organization, Clinic with a Heart serves people who are uninsured and underinsured through a ministry of healthcare.

Coalition for a Strong Nebraska logo

Coalition for a Strong Nebraska

Organizing and building capacity withing Nebraska’s network of nonprofits to impact poverty policy and to create an environment in which the lives of people experiencing poverty may be improved through public policy solutions.

Community Action of Nebraska logo

Community Action of Nebraska

Focusing on enhancing program development, facilitating training and technical assistance and leading advocacy efforts as the statewide voice for people experiencing poverty.

Community Action Partnership logo

Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties

Empowering people living in poverty to reach economic stability.

Community CROPS logo

Community Crops

Empowering people to grow food through education, experiences and resources.

Community Development Resources logo

Community Development Resources

Opening Doors for Small Business and Affordable Housing.

Community Health Endowment logo

Community Health Endowment

Investing in health-related projects and programs and convenes the community around important health issues.

Cooper Foundation logo

Cooper Foundation

Supporting strong, sustainable organizations, innovative ideas and ventures of significant promise.

Dimensions logo

Dimensions Education Research Foundation

Inspiring joy and wonder in children, educators, and communities with a heart-centered approach to early education


Dimensions logo

Doane University - College of Business

Achieving excellence through knowledge, experience, and the liberal arts.

Domesti-PUPS logo


To improve the quality of life for persons with special needs through the assistance of animals, and to promote awareness through education.


Down Syndrome Association logo

Down Syndrome Association for Families

Improving the lives of individuals with Down Syndrome, by empowering them as well as educating and supporting their families and their larger community.


Eastmont Foundation

The Eastmont Foundation seeks, receives, and administers philanthropic support for the need of the Eastmont community and the benevolent programs undertaken by Eastmont's residents and staff.

DreamCatchers logo

DreamCatchers Ride Inc.

Making a difference in the lives of teens who struggle with confidence, anxiety and finding authenticity, adults who are facing down the daunting monster that is grief, anxiety, and depression, seniors in assisted living communities who want to take in that "horsey smell" and spark memories, and adults in recovery who get to spend time learning to trust something much bigger than themselves.

Echo Collective logo

ECHO Collective

Connecting and empowering refugee and immigrant women by providing opportunities for personal growth and building cross-cultural relationships in a nurturing environment.

EducationQuest logo

EducationQuest Foundation

Improving access to higher education in Nebraska.

El Centro logo

El Centro de las Americas

Assisting our community through programs such as Crisis Prevention and Assistance Program, Health, Tobacco Prevention, Domestic Violence, GED Programs, USCIS Citizenship Classes, and Youth Prgrams. 

El Centro logo

Everybody Gets A Chance (EGC)

“Everybody Gets a Chance” is a non-profit youth program designed to cultivate leadership, hard work, and compassion through athletic training. The purpose of EGC is to change the lives of kids, help them explore their passion, and assist in getting them to the collegiate level.


Families Inspiring Families

Helping aid in giving every family a chance to truly get to know and understand their children while receiving a chance to network with other families and find solutions to challenges.

Family Health Services logo

Family Health Services of Lincoln

Ensuring the reproductive and sexual health of every individual by offering confident and caring exams, treatment, and prevention at a low cost.

Family Service logo

Family Service Lincoln

Helping families thrive through Youth Development Program, Behavioral Health Program, Child Care Food Program, Housing and Support Services, and WIC.

Filament Essential Services logo

Filament Essential Services

Serving those who serve others.

Flatwater Shakespeare logo

Flatwater Shakespeare Company

Entertaining and educating audiences in Lincoln and surrounding communities through Shakespeare and other high quality theater productions.

Food Bank of Lincoln logo

Food Bank of Lincoln

Alleviating hunger in Southeast Nebraska.

Foundation for Lincoln Public Schools logo

Foundation for LPS

Creating opportunities that enhance academic and personnel success of Lincoln Public Schools students and educators.

Fresh Start Home logo

Fresh Start Home

Empowering women experiencing homelessness to change their lives by recognizing and using their strengths to overcome barriers to self-sufficiency.

Friends of Wilderness Park logo

Friends of Wilderness Park

Sustaining the ecological integrity of Wilderness Park through education, preservation, and community collaboration.

Friendship Home logo

Friendship Home

Empowering freedom from domestic violence.

GirlPowR logo

Girl PowR

Empowering girls by reducing barriers to their equal participation in formal education, and fostering girls’ self-worth, socioeconomic independence, leadership potential and vocational opportunities.

Girls Code Lincoln logo

Girls Code Lincoln

Striving to ignite passion for technology and leadership in young girls with the long-term goal of closing the gender gap in S.T.E.M. We teach girls about technology through creativity, community, collaboration, and confidence.

Girls on the Run logo

Girls on the Run of Nebraska

Inspiring girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident.

Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska logo

Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska

Delivering fun with purpose.

Give Nebraska logo

Give Nebraska

Connecting you to the causes you care most about.

Lincoln Council on International Visitors logo

Global Ties Nebraska (Lincoln Council for International Visitors)

Promoting citizen diplomacy in Lincoln, Nebraska since 1966.


Good Neighbor Community Center logo

Good Neighbor Community Center

Welcoming neighbors and supporting stability.

Goodwill logo

Goodwill Industries Serving Southeast Nebraska, Inc

Willing workers employed and community resources maximized.

Habitat for Humanity logo

Habitat for Humanity

Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

Abendusmik logo

History Nebraska Foundation

Spreading awareness of History Nebraska’s efforts and seeks financial support from those with a passion for Nebraska’s rich and diverse history.


Honor Across America

Committed to enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families.

HopeSpoke logo


Inspiring healthy futures for children and their families through comprehensive behavioral and mental health services.


Horizon Housing Foundation

Our Mission at Horizon Housing Foundation is to provide safe, affordable housing for families and seniors and support them through programs that promote economic self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life.

Houses of Hope logo

Houses of Hope

Supporting Nebraska communities by empowering individuals impacted by substance use and mental health to achieve recovery and independence, build healthy relationships, and give back to their communities.

The HUB logo

HUB - Central Access Point for Young Adults

Providing unconditional support and programming for young people as they become productive, independent and active members of the community.

Humanities Nebraska logo

Humanities Nebraska

Helping people explore what connects us and makes us human.

Indian Center logo

Indian Center, Inc.

Providing value to the Native American community by creating and obtaining programs that empower self-sufficiency and positive quality of life standards in individuals and families.


Jason's Heart

People helping people by developing career skills for people that have a passion and desire for a career in the technology field.

Karen Society logo

Karen Society of Nebraska

Helping refugees and immigrants from Burma to build and sustain a high quality of life and to achieve self-sufficiency in the state of Nebraska.


KZUM Radio 89.3 FM

Educating and building community through broadcast media, with diverse and independent voices that enrich the perspectives of our audiences.

Lancaster County logo

Lancaster County Human Services Administration

Providing important information for Lincoln's community.

Abendusmik logo

Larksong Writers Place

Helping children and youth achieve safety, stability, and enduring family relationships.

Abendusmik logo

Leadership Lincoln, Inc.

Developing strong leaders for a stronger Lincoln.

Abendusmik logo

League of Human Dignity

Working with people who have disabilities to promote independent living and ensure social, economic, and political equality.

Legal Aid of Nebraska logo

Legal Aid of Nebraska

Making equal justice happen.

Lighthouse logo


Offering middle and high school aged-youth academic support, evening meals, and enrichment / recreational activities in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Lincoln Arts Council logo

Lincoln Arts Council

Serving the arts community of Nebraska’s capital and to help the arts serve the greater community.

Lincoln Bike Kitchen logo

Lincoln Bike Kitchen

The Lincoln Bike Kitchen is a community-building organization that provides bicycles and related resources to all people. We advocate for utilitarian bicycling as a vital part of a healthy, equitable and sustainable community. We connect cycling to broader environmental and social issues through outreach, and education.

Lincoln Chamber of Commerce logo

Lincoln Chamber of Commerce & Lincoln Partnership of Economic Development

We are a convener and collaborator who brings all voices together to grow our city and move it forward.

Lincoln Children's Museum logo

Lincoln Children's Museum

Inviting children to create, discover, and learn through the power of play.

Lincoln City Libraries logo

Lincoln City Libraries

Fostering the power of reading and provides open access to all forms of information to enrich people's lives every day.

Lincoln Community Foundation logo

Lincoln Community Foundation

Inspiring our community to give, act, and lead.


Lincoln Fencing Club

Providing a safe, family-centered, personally challenging fencing program that develops people as well as fencers


Lincoln Housing Authority

Providing affordable housing to the residents of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Lincoln Hygiene Network logo

Lincoln Hygiene Network

Increasing the health and dignity of individuals and families experiencing financial hardship through distribution of essential hygiene and personal care products at no cost to direct service organizations and programs in Lincoln-Lancaster County, Nebraska.

Lincoln Literacy logo

Lincoln Literacy

Strengthening our community by teaching the English language and a variety of literacy skills to people of all cultures.

Lincoln Medial Education Partnership logo

Lincoln Medical Education Partnership

Providing exemplary patient healthcare and the additional resources that individuals need for successful and sustainable health.

Lincoln Parks Foundation logo

Lincoln Parks Foundation

Inspiring and nurturing a philanthropic legacy for parks and recreation in our community.

LPS logo

Lincoln Public Schools

Lincoln Public Schools is the second largest public school district in Nebraska, located in the heart of the plains, renowned for its long-standing legacy of educational excellence and tradition of rigorous academic achievement.

Lincoln's Symphony Orchestra logo

Lincoln Sports Foundation

The Mission of the Lincoln Sports Foundation is to own and operate a sports complex that will be a service to the community.

Lincoln's Symphony Orchestra logo

Lincoln's Symphony Orchestra

Presenting inspiring experiences that welcome all members of our community to discover and cultivate a profound, personal connection with live orchestral music.

Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department logo

Lincoln/Lancaster County Health Department

Assuring a healthy community for the residents of Lincoln and Lancaster County.

Linked2Literacy logo


Providing ownership of literacy materials to the underserved through community partnerships and believes representation matters.

Abendusmik logo

Live Yes Studios

Supporting disabled adults in creative expression, representation and community partnerships.


Loaves and Fishes


Lutheran Family Services logo

Lutheran Family Services

Expressing God’s love for all people by providing quality human care services that build and strengthen individual, family, and community life.

LUX Center for the Arts logo

LUX Center for the Arts

Transforming lives through art.

Madonna logo

Madonna Foundation

Providing medical and physical rehabilitation for adults and children.

Malone Center logo

Malone Community Center

Eliminating multigenerational poverty in Lincoln.

Marvilee logo


Empower youth by providing opportunities to develop life skills, grow from mentorships, and learn from job trainings in support of mental health and substance abuse.

Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach logo

Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach

Serving the needs of Lincoln's working poor and homeless by relieving hunger, overcoming homelessness, addressing addiction, and providing outreach and advocacy.

Meadowlark Music Festival logo

Meadowlark Music Festival 

Making chamber music of all kinds a necessary component of every Nebraskan’s definition of “The Good Life”.

Mediation Center logo

Mediation Center

Helping you end your conflicts with mutually agreed upon solutions.

Mental Health Association of Nebraska logo

Mental Health Association of Nebraska

Assisting individuals living with mental health and/or substance use issues to gain and maintain their recovery.

Mentor Nebraska logo

MENTOR Nebraska

Fueling the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships, strengthens collaboration, and advocates for mentoring.

Mentoring Plus logo

Mentoring Plus

Changing lives one kid at a time. 

Mercy Housing logo

Mercy Housing

Transforming lives through affordable housing.

MilkWorks logo


Creating a healthier community by empowering families to reach their feeding goals.

MilkWorks logo

Mothers Against Drunk Driving - Nebraska

MADD’s mission is to end drugged and drunk driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking.

Mosaic logo

Mosaic in Southeast Nebraska

Embracing God’s call, Mosaic relentlessly pursues opportunities that empower people.

Mourning Hope logo

Mourning Hope Grief Center

The Mourning Hope Grief Center companions children, adults and families before and after a death loss.

Nebraska AIDS Project logo

Nebraska AIDS Project

Leading the community in the fight to overcome HIV/AIDS and its stigma through education, supportive service and advocacy.

Nebraska Appleseed logo

Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest

Fighting for justice and opportunity for all Nebraskans.

Nebraska Association for the Education of Young Children logo

Nebraska Association for the Education of Young Children

Providing opportunities that promote excellence in early childhood for Nebraska’s early childhood educators, children and families through education, advocacy and leadership.

Nebraska CASA Association logo

Nebraska CASA Association

Partnering with local CASA programs to recruit and train volunteers who speak in court for the safety and well-being of abused and neglected children.

Nebraska Children & Families Foundation logo

Nebraska Children & Families Foundation

Maximizing the potential of Nebraska’s children, youth, and families through collaboration and community-centered impact.

Nebraska Children's Home Society logo

Nebraska Children's Home Society

Providing compassionate support, fostering enduring connections, and implementing innovative solutions that help families thrive in their communities.

Nebraska Cultural Endowment logo

Nebraska Cultural Endowment

Cultivating a legacy of stability, advocacy and leadership for the arts and humanities in Nebraska.

Nebraska Civic Engagement Table logo

Nebraska Civic Engagement Table

Increasing voting and building an engaged Nebraska.

Nebraska Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence logo

Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence 

Enhancing safety and justice by changing the beliefs that perpetuate domestic violence and sexual assault.

Abendusmik logo

Nebraska Crossroads Music Festival

Music From Everywhere, Right Here

NDHHS logo

Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services

Helping people live better lives.

NDHHS logo

Nebraska Donor Alliance 

We are a progressive donor collaboration that funds many Cause Collective members efforts and advocacy. 

NDHHS logo

Nebraska Diaper Bank

Nebraska Diaper Bank provides diapers through collaborative partnerships to change lives & empower families in need.

NIFA logo

Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA)

NIFA is an indispensable partner for Nebraska citizens and communities in planning, financing and sustaining affordable housing, advancing agribusiness, and furthering a vibrant Nebraska.

Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association logo

Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association

Improving services to youth in the juvenile justice system by serving as a resource for collaboration, leadership development, and education for juvenile justice system professionals.

Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association logo

Nebraska No Kill Canine Rescue

Nebraska No Kill Canine Rescue is a Lincoln-based foster home network for at-risk dogs that strives to collaborate with shelters across the state and members of local communities to save lives.

Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation logo

Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation

Providing loving and compassionate care for the aged in Nebraska.

Nebraska Safety Council logo

Nebraska Safety Council

Providing education and leadership to empower people to live safe and healthy.

Abendusmik logo

Nebraska Wesleyan University - MBA Program

Offering you unmatched quality, online classes and access to professors determined to see you succeed.

Nebraska Writers Collective logo

Nebraska Writers Collective

Fostering personal empowerment and community-building in the Midwest through creative writing and performance poetry.

NeighborWorks logo

Neighborworks Lincoln

Improving lives by expanding affordable housing opportunities and strengthening neighborhoods.

Nonprofit Association of the Midlands logo

Nonprofit Association of the Midlands

Strengthening the collective voice, leadership, and capacity of nonprofit organizations enriching the quality of community life throughout Nebraska and Western Iowa.

Northeast Family Center logo

Northeast Family Center

Building strong families and vital neighborhoods by educating, supporting, and advocating for the diverse children and families of our community.

Our Dream Achievers logo

Our Village Collective

Increase protective childhood experiences (PCE's) for children & youth. Reduce opportunity gaps and subsequent adverse childhood experiences(ACEs). Design & implement innovative, brain inclusive and socially just environments for caring and being cared for. 

OutNebraska logo


Advocating, celebrating and educating to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people.

Ponca Tribe of Nebraska logo

Ponca Tribe of Nebraska

Restoring, preserving and protecting all rights aboriginally held by our people and their descendants, promote peace, prosperity, happiness, and the general welfare of the members of our Tribe.

Prairie Hill Learning Center logo

Prairie Hill Learning Center

Offering education in an atmosphere that promotes individual growth as well as caring for others and the Earth.

Rabble Mill logo

Rabble Mill (The Bay)

Helping youth dream bigger.

Region V Systems logo

Region V Systems

Region V Systems is responsible for the development and coordination of publicly funded behavioral health services within its service area.

Released and Restored logo

Republic of South Sudan (ROSS) Leaders

Our mission is to inspire youth by cultivating community through the means of education, health and wellness, and cultural identity; in this, we prepare our youth of today to become leaders of tomorrow.

Released and Restored logo

Released and Restored

Providing inmates and ex-offenders in Nebraska with the tools and support systems needed to learn how to live productive, moral, ethical, and legal lives in our communities after their release from prison or jail.

Rise logo


To break the generational cycles of incarceration.

Society of Care logo

Santee Sioux Nation Society of Care

Providing trustworthy, accessible, affordable and culturally sensitive behavioral health care, education, prevention services, and support.

SCORE Lincoln logo

SCORE Lincoln

Offering free business advice, no-cost business training through webinars and workshops, and numerous templates and tools to assist you in your journey to open your new business or grow your existing one.

ServeNebraska logo


Mobilizing Nebraskans to strengthen their communities through volunteering, collaboration, and national service programs.

ShelterMe Nebraska logo

ShelterMe Nebraska

Providing safe and secure housing for the victims of domestic violence and their companion animals.

Southeast Nebraska Area Health Education Center logo

Southeast Nebraska Area Health Education Center (AHEC)

Southeast Nebraska Area Health Education Center (AHEC) mission is to meet the state's health and health workforce needs.

Southern Heights Food Forest logo

Southern Heights Food Forest

Creating that inclusive commons that we seek, we are building out this piece of land by teaching each other the value and possibilities of food, play and ecological resilience.

The Sowers Club logo

Sowers Club of Nebraska Foundation

Building and maintaining goodwill between the City of Lincoln and other communities throughout the state by visiting those communities on a regular basis and learning as much as possible in order that a unified effort can be made to really boost Nebraska.

St. Monica's logo

St. Monica's

Helping women be the best they can be for today and moving forward.

Stand for Schools logo

Stand for Schools

Advancing public education in Nebraska.

Star City Pride Events  logo

Star City Pride Events 

Star City Pride is the non profit organization that plans and produces Lincoln Nebraska's official LGBTQIA+ Pride events each year.

StarTran logo


Providing a costumer focused, forward thinking public transportation system for the good of the Lincoln Community.

StarTran logo

The 1895 Project 

The 1895 Project aims to honor the legacy of debutante balls and cotillions in the southern African American tradition by empowering students of color and welcoming all youth. We provide programs in career development, life skills, and social growth to support students on their journey to adulthood, fostering resilience, confidence, and community commitment. 

Ten Thousand Villages logo

Ten Thousand Villages 

We’re a global maker-to-market movement that addresses economic injustice. 

Rabble Mill logo

Theater Arts For Kids

Theatre Arts For Kids’ mission is to provide the highest quality performing arts training to children of all ages in the community despite any physical, emotional or financial challenges. With emphasis on personal growth and humanity, TAFK strives to revolutionize the impact theatre can have on our participants.

Rabble Mill logo

The Bay

Helping youth dream bigger.

The Bridge logo

The Bridge Behavioral Health

Providing hope and a strong foundation for recovery through substance use treatment and behavioral health intervention.

The Cat House logo

The Cat House

To adopt cats into caring, permanent homes and to improve the lives of feral cats.

Foundry logo

The Foundry

Bringing together a variety of experts to contribute quality content to the Nonprofit Hub blog.

The Nebraska State Bar Assoc Volunteer Lawyers Project logo

The Nebraska State Bar Assoc Volunteer Lawyers Project

Helping Nebraska attorneys meet their pro bono goals.

The Salvation Army logo

The Salvation Army 

Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meeting human needs in His name without discrimination.

The Sherwood Foundation logo

The Sherwood Foundation 

The Sherwood Foundation® promotes equity through social justice initiatives enhancing the quality of life in Nebraska.

White Cane Foundation logo

The White Cane Foundation

Improving lives by mobilizing the caring power of Lincoln and Lancaster County.

Abendusmik logo Treatment Scholarships of Nebraska logo

The 1895 Project Incorporated

To celebrate the academic, personal, and extracurricular achievements of BIPOC youth as they transition from high school to adulthood.

Abendusmik logo Treatment Scholarships of Nebraska logo

Treatment Scholarships of Nebraska

Improving the lives of those affected by the overdose and mental health crisis, as well as their families and communities.

United Way logo

United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County

Improving lives by mobilizing the caring power of Lincoln and Lancaster County.

Lancaster County Extension logo

UNL Extension in Lancaster County

Bringing University of Nebraska expertise and research in 8 key areas of impact directly to Nebraskans from all walks of life in each of the state’s 93 counties.



From starting or leading an organization to helping peers register to vote, planning campus-wide events and engaging with the Lincoln community, we're here to help you as you explore your talents, interests and passions.

Uplifting Paws logo

Uplifting Paws

Providing highly trained service dogs to those with disabilities.

VisionarYouth logo

Visionary Youth

Impacting families and change lives by supporting youth to reach their full potential.

VITAL Services, Inc. logo

VITAL Services, Inc.

Helping people with developmental disabilities learn life skills and get involved in Lincoln and nearby communities.

Voices of Hope logo

Voices of Hope

Providing services to victims and their significant others who are faced with the traumatic aftermath of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking, incest, and childhood abuse and providing information about these crimes for the purposes of citizen awareness, prevention and to enhance the sensitivity and professional understanding of those who may work with individuals with these problems.


Wellbeing Intiative logo

We Can Do This 

We Can Do This meets children, youth, and others where they are. We eliminate barriers through love, caring, understanding, and trust.

Wellbeing Intiative logo

Wellbeing Initiative 

Empowering individuals living with mental health and substance use challenges to reach their fullest potential.

Wild Learning logo

Wild Learning 

We are a democratic self directed learning space.

Willard Community Center logo

Willard Community Center 

Willard Community Center has always been here to support the community it serves.

Women in Community Service, Inc.logo

Women in Community Service, Inc.


Woods Charitable Fund logo

Woods Charitable Fund, Inc.

Offering a promising future for all, where everyone has the opportunity to participate and thrive.

YMCA logo

YMCA of Lincoln

To strengthen our community by improving the quality of life and inspiring individuals and families to develop their fullest potential in spirit, mind and body.

YWCA logo

YWCA of Lincoln

Eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.


The better we all know each other, the better we work together.Cause Collective facilitate partnerships, collaborates with its members and is a central information sharing center for nonprofits in Lincoln.


By providing nonprofits individual and group trainings throughout the year they become better and more efficient at running their business, and in turn their services to the community improve.


One of the most important things a nonprofit can do to help those they serve is advocate for them. We help nonprofits understand how to advocate and lobby to improve public policy, making a more supportive and stronger community.